Давайте рассмотрим такую тему, как шоппинг. Слово «шоппинг» пришло к нам из английского языка и означает «процесс совершения покупок» или «поход по магазинам». Для изучающих язык я подготовила топик shopping на английском языке с переводом на русский.
Наши люди подразумевают под шоппингом поход по магазинам с целью купить новую одежду или что-то в таком духе. В английском же языке понятие «шоппинг» шире. «I go for a shopping» означает «Я иду за покупками». Шоппинг может быть каждодневным: купить хлеба или молока в супермаркете — это тоже шоппинг для англичан.
Словарь по теме шоппинг
- shopping list — список покупок
- purchases — покупки
- discount card — скидочная карта
- sale — распродажа
- a self-service shop — магазин самообслуживания
- shopping mall — торговый центр
- everyday essentials — повседневные предметы первой необходимости
- foodstuffs — продукты питания
- bakery department — хлебобулочный отдел
- dairy — молочные продукты / молочный отдел
- butcher — мясной отдел
- department store — универмаг
- ready-made clothes — готовая одежда
- ready-made food — приготовленная еда
- entertainment — развлечения
My every day shopping
When we want to buy something, we go to a shop.
Everyday shopping is rather traditional: some white and brown bread, milk, butter, sugar, salt, eggs, sausages. But it’s not necessary to visit different provisional shops such as bakery or butchery to buy food for the family because we could buy foodstuffs in a supermarket. Different goods are sold under one roof, so customers can save their time having all goods bought in no time.
Well, shopping is no fun any longer, but my daily duty. I dream to be an economist. I try to be rational and economical. I try to follow some steps. First of all it is necessary to make a shopping list of what we need. Then we should calculate how much our purchases would cost and take this very sum of money with us.
The third rule tells that we shouldn’t be hungry while shopping, a hungry person buys the things his or her stomach dictates to buy, not thinking about prices or rational nutrition.
And we shouldn’t go shopping immediately after we have got our salary, when we feel impressed by a large sum of money and don’t think it’s for a long month to last.
Every day before leaving for school I look around the kitchen to see what we need. And on my way from school I drop into the nearest supermarket, and buy bread and other everyday essentials. Every Friday evening my Mum and I examin our kitchen more carefully as Saturday is our shopping day. The shopping list is rather long, so we both go shopping.
The method of shopping is very simple. In a self-service shop a customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket the goods he wants to buy.
It’s absolutely necessary to check the dates before which this or that foodstuff should be used, not to buy something of bad quality. Then a customer takes the basket to the check-out counter where the prices of the purchases are added up.
After paying money to the cashier the customer can get his purchases.
Mum and I go to the supermarket where we can buy different things at once: fish, bread, sausages, tea, sugar, spices, eggs. I think that a bakery department is among the best in the shop as it has a rich choice of biscuits. And what is more importable they are always fresh and tasty.
Another department of the supermarket, which we have to visit, is a dairy. At the dairy we buy milk, cream, yogurt, cheese, butter and other products. My Mum and I are regular customers at the greengrocer’s where potatoes, carrots, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, oranges, apples and other fruits and vegetables. In summer we prefer buying fruits, berries and vegetables at the nearest market.
Sometimes I have to go to a department store. I can buy there fabrics and footwear, glass, ready-made clothes and cosmetics, toys and electric appliances, furniture and sport goods, cameras and films, and what not.
At the butcher’s there’s a wide choice of meat such as beef, pork, mutton, chicken and turkey. It’s really a great skill to choose a piece of meat you need, for soup or for chops or shashlyk, so it’s my Mum who is to buy meat.
Топик по английскому "Магазины и покупки" (Shops and Shopping)
When we want to buy something, we must go to the shop where it is sold. In the shop window we see what is sold in the shop.
Sugar, tea, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon, and so on are sold at the grocer’s. Bread is sold at the baker’s, meat at the butcher’s. We go to the greengrocer’s for vegetables and fruit. We buy boots and shoes at the shoeshop. We buy books at the bookseller’s and jewelleryand watches at the jeweller’s.
The salesman or salesgirl stands behind the counter. We ask the salesman: “How much is this?” or “What is the price of that?” He tells us the price. He gives us the bill. At the cashdesk we give the money and the bill to the cashier, who gives us a check and our change. The salesman wraps up the goods and gives them to us. We put them in our bag.
Some shops have many departments. We can buy nearly everything we need there. They are called department stores. In some shops there are no salesmen, but only cashiers. The customers choose the goods they want and pay at the cashdesk.
These are called self-service shops. If someone tries to take things from a shop without paying they are almost certain to be caught. Most shops have store detectives who have the job catching shoplifters.
Shoplifting is considered a serious crime by the police.
Магазины и покупки
Когда мы хотим купить что-то, мы должны пойти в магазин, где это продается. В витрине мы видим что продается в магазине.
Сахар, чай, кофе, соль, перец, ветчина, бекон и так далее продаются в бакалее. Хлеб продается в булочной, мясо — в мясном магазине. Мы идем в овощной чтобы купить овощи и фрукты. Мы покупаем сапоги и ботинки в обувном магазине. Мы покупаем книги в книжном, а драгоценности или часы часы — в ювелирном.
Продавец или продавщица стоит за прилавком. Мы обращаемся к продавцу: «Сколько это стоит?» Или «Какова цена этого?» Он говорит нам цену. Он дает нам счет. На кассе мы даём деньги и счет кассиру, который дает нам чек и здачу. Продавец заворачивает товары и дает их нам. Мы кладём их в сумку.
В некоторых магазинах есть много отделов. Мы можем купить там почти все, что нужно. Они называются универмаги. В некоторых магазинах нет продавцов, а только кассиры. Клиенты выбирают товары, которые они хотят и платят на кассе.
Это так называемые магазины самообслуживания. Если кто-то пытается взять вещи из магазина, не заплатив, он почти наверняка будет пойман. В большинстве магазинов есть охранники, которые следят за тем, чтобы не было краж.
Воровство в магазинах считается серьезным преступлением.
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Топик по английскому языку шоппинг. Топик по английскому языку на тему shopping (покупки). Полный список слов и фраз для скачивания
В наши дни более чем когда-либо все больше людей совершает покупки, используя сеть Интернет. Ведь «в Сети» можно приобрести товары самого широкого ассортимента, от недвижимости до обуви и авиабилетов.
Так каковы же преимущества онлайн-шоппинга?
Фантастическое удобство:
По сравнению с оффлайновым магазином с фиксированными часами работы, онлайн-магазин доступен круглосуточно. Это особенно удобно для молодых матерей, людей, ограниченных в передвижении, а также для тех покупателей, которые живут в сложных погодных условиях.
Возможность сравнивать цены:
Когда вы приходите в магазин, вы, вероятнее всего, вынуждены будете согласиться на ту цену, которую выставит продавец, какой бы она ни была. С онлайн-шоппингом дело обстоит иначе: вы можете сравнивать сотни цен от разных продавцов.
Бесконечный выбор:
Торговое пространство на полках оффлайнового магазина ограничено, а это означает и ограниченность выбора товара. В случае с онлайн-магазином это не так. Кроме того, если вы не нашли товар в одном онлайн-магазине, вы можете просто перейти в следующий.
Легкий доступ к отзывам покупателей:
В Интернете вы легко найдете мнения покупателей практически о любом товаре, что позволяет вам делать более осознанные покупки.
Отсутствие давления при покупке:
Совершая покупку в обычном магазине, каждый из нас хоть раз подвергался грубоватому давлению со стороны не в меру настойчивых продавцов. Вы можете избежать этого, делая покупки онлайн.
Это лишь несколько преимуществ онлайн-шоппинга.
Но имеет ли он недостатки? К сожалению, да. Рассмотрим некоторые из них:
Вы не можете померить вещи:
Если вы покупаете предмет одежды, вы не можете пощупать материал, надеть вещь, рассмотреть детали пошива. Если вы не знаете собственный размер и незнакомы с брендом предлагаемой одежды, ваша покупка может закончиться плачевно.
Вы не можете получить немедленный ответ на интересующий вас вопрос:
Если вы хотите задать вопрос относительно выбранного товара, вам, скорее всего, придется ждать ответа как минимум 24 часа (хотя на многих сайтах для этой цели предусмотрена возможность онлайн-чата).
Конфиденциальность и безопасность:
Вопросы конфиденциальности и безопасности при покупках онлайн довольно актуальны, но существует ряд мер, которые вы можете предпринять, чтобы обезопасить онлайн-операции с деньгами.
Например, обращать внимание на то, защищен ли сервер: аббревиатура HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) в адресе сайта свидетельствует о том, что он защищен.
Также вы должны научиться распознавать обман и мошенничество при операциях онлайн, уметь пользоваться анонимайзером и не разглашать собственные персональные данные при работе в Интернет.
- Для тех, кому надо подготовить рассказ или написать сочинение на тему «Достоинства и недостатки интернет-шоппинга» приводим текст статьи на английском:
- More people than ever before in history are using the Web to shop for a wide variety of items, from houses to shoes to airplane tickets.
- So, what are the advantages of online shopping?
Incredible convenience
: In comparison to a brick and mortar store with fixed hours, the online one is accessible 24/7 (twenty four / seven). This is especially useful for moms with small children, people that are home-bound, or for those shoppers who live in inclement weather conditions.
Price comparisons
Тема Shopping по английскому языку с переводом
Предложенная тема Shopping дается с переводом на русский. Учителя часто задают сочинение по английскому на тему шопинг, данный топик поможет справиться с этой задачей.
Топик на тему шопинг, предложенный ниже – не сложный, хотя и длинный. Данное сочинение о походе в магазин будет полезным для учеников 6-11 классов. Его можно использовать для составления собственного устного высказывания на тему «Магазины. Поход по магазинам».
Вероятно, Вам также будут полезны диалоги по теме Shopping.
Топик шопинг подойдет для уровня intermediate.
Тема SHOPPING по-английски
Shopping is an opportunity to buy everything what we need, from food to clothes. When we do the shopping we get to know a lot of information about different goods, their prices, quality.
We learn to choose products, to spend money rationally. Someone will say that shopping is an original way of spending free time. Someone will say that it's a forced waste of money.
Today, shopping is a means of our existence and living.
It’s a so called exchange of money for any kinds of goods (from pins to vehicles). Thus, if you want to live in this world shopping is a real necessity for you. Everyone does the shopping: from the poor to a millionaire.
By the way, shopping is a great entertainment too. If you want to relax, shopping is for you. Many girls enjoy shopping and spend the whole day visiting shops and buying things. For them the process of shopping is more important than purchasing.
While shopping we talk, with, other people, get experience, get to know many interesting things. But, of course, shopping depends not only on our mood but on our money, too.
If you have a lot of money -you can choose what you want if you don't have — you are to be very economical and buy only the things which are essential.
Nowadays there are different ways of shopping. Years ago people went to the shops and bought everything they needed. With the development of progress shopping began to change and now you can purchase things on the Internet.
To attract customers shops provide various services: free home delivery and installation of some gadgets, money-back guarantee, buy and win coupons, repair services. They sell their goods on credit and what not.
How inventive people may be in their thirst to get to somebody else's money!
While speaking about shopping I can't but mention a very specific phenomenon of our life -advertising. We have to listen to ads and watch commercials at least hundred times a day. It penetrates to our minds and makes us wear some kind of clothes and shoes, it insists on our chewing all the time, cleaning our teeth with Colgate after we drink Coffee Nescafe.
As there are many different goods, so there are many shops which sell this or that kind of products. Here's a short guide of different kinds of shops.
Department stores have many different departments: haberdashery, headwear, perfumery, stationеry, leather goods, sports goods, china and glass, fabrics, linen, readymade men's and ladies' departments. In the ladies' clothing department you can choose dresses, skirts, blouses, coats, underwear.
In the men's clothing department one can buy suits, sweaters, cardigans, pullovers, trousers and woolen jackets. We go to the dairy shop to buy milk, cream, cheese. Tinned fish, caviar, crabs, lobsters, and different sorts of fish — carp, cod, salmon, trout, mackerel — can be found at the fishmonger's.
Sugar, semolina, buckwheat, rice, coffee, spaghetti, noodles are sold at the grocer's. At the greengrocer's we can find all sorts of vegetables and fruit. Well, all this stuff you may buy at a market place and very often it is cheaper and of better quality.
There are also big supermarkets where you can buy everything. Such shops are very universal and well-stocked. Moreover, we can order goods by telephone and with the help of different catalogues and fashion magazines.
Going shopping in my city is a wonderful and instant way of participating in everyday life here. Most shops in my place open at 9 a. m. and close at 8 p.m., they are opened from Monday to Sunday. Most grocery shops are opened also on Sunday. Actually, there are many big and small shops in my district.
The largest department store is situated near my house and it houses everything from bags to household gadgets and bed-linen. On the ground floor of it there is a spectacular food hall decorated with tiles, which has splendid displays of fish, cheese , meat and other products; other departments include china and glass, electronics and kitchenware.
This department store is well-stocked and has a gorgeous selection of different goods.
In my city there are some markets with an amazing range of goods. If you want to visit the biggest market you need a strong pair of legs, comfy shoes and lots of time to wander around.
The market sells everything imaginable from tiny tin openers to massive TV sets, providing a diverse and extraordinary range of shopping services.
So, in the city there are many places where you can buy food, presents, clothes and other things.
If you want to do the shopping you should know some rules. First of all, you should pay for everything you buy. It is important to spend money rationally.
If you are queuing up at the cash-desk you need to wait for your turn. You should check your money before and after paying. It is important to think over your choice and to buy only good things.
These are the main rules of shopping. Knowing the rules helps to get real bargains.
Shopping is a significant part of everyday life. We buy food, clothes, electronic devices, books and many other things. Nowadays there are so many shops with different products. All necessary products are almost always sold near the house. We go shopping during the lunch, after the work or on our way home. Nowadays shopping is not only a kind of necessity but a kind of entertainment. We often hear that shopping improves the mood. | Покупки – важная часть повседневной жизни. Мы покупаем еду, одежду, электронные устройства, книги и многое другое. В настоящее время существует очень много магазинов с различными продуктами. Все необходимые продукты почти всегда продаются рядом с домом. Мы заходим в магазины во время обеда, после работы или по дороге домой. В наши дни покупки – это не только необходимость, но и своего рода развлечение. Мы часто слышим, что покупки улучшают настроение. |
Now we have an opportunity to choose the most convenient for us way of shopping. We can go to small shops at the corner of the street. The most necessary products can be sold in such shops. Here you find both food and household goods. Also such shops can sell goods of particular kind, for example, such shops are butcher’s shop, confectionary shop and so on. If you need a wide range of goods, you can go to the hypermarket or to the shopping centre. Here you find a wide range of different goods: food, clothes, household goods and so on. | В настоящее время у нас есть возможность выбрать наиболее удобный для нас способ совершения покупок. Мы можем пойти в небольшие магазины на углу улицы. Самые необходимые продукты могут продаваться в таких магазинах. Здесь можно найти как продукты питания, так и хозяйственные товары. Также в таких маленьких магазинах могут продаваться товары конкретного вида, например, такие магазины – это мясная лавка, кондитерская и т.д. Если нужен широкий ассортимент товаров, можно пойти в гипермаркет или в торговый центр. Здесь можно найти широкий ассортимент товаров: продукты питания, одежда, товары для дома и т.д. |
Nowadays it is also popular to buy something on the Internet, especially, clothes, books and electronic devices. Of course, there are some risks connected with buying on the Internet, however products can be cheaper there and it saves much time to buy on the Internet. Also there are many TV shops when some products are shown and you can order it just making a call. | В наши дни также популярно совершать покупки в Интернете, особенно это касается покупки одежды, книг и электронных устройств. Конечно, существуют некоторые риски, связанные с покупкой в Интернете, но продукты там могут быть дешевле, и совершение покупок в Интернете экономит много времени. Также существует много телемагазинов, когда демонстрируют определенные товары, и их можно заказать, просто позвонив. |
Shopping – Шоппинг ???? | Сочинение на английском языке с переводом
Дорогой ученик! В этом материале подготовлен рассказ про шоппинг. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.
Today shopping is getting more and more popular ????. One can find big shopping centres with hundreds of shops in almost every city. People come there to do some shopping and meet with friends.
Shopping malls also offer entertainment like cinema, bowling or bars. This makes little shopping trips even more attractive. At the same time, the so-called 'shopping addiction' is considered a mental disorder. So, people have different opinions about shopping.
As for me, I enjoy shopping. My friend Julia and I visit a big shopping mall Mega almost every week. Every time we buy different things: sometimes for me, sometimes for her, sometimes for both of us.
When I don’t need anything, I just follow Julia and help her to choose. She does the same for me. I never get bored, we talk a lot. Most of all, I enjoy buying new clothes, accessories and cosmetics.
Well, to be honest, sometimes I buy things that I don’t really need – when there is a sale or when I am in a bad mood. After shopping I feel happier, it helps to reduce stress.
I think there is nothing wrong with shopping for pleasure. It is all right to give money for things that make you feel good. If you know when to stop, shopping can’t do you any harm. It will only bring positive emotions.
Сегодня шоппинг становится все более популярным????. Почти в каждом городе можно найти большие торговые центры с сотнями магазинов. Люди приходят туда, чтобы пройтись по магазинам и встретиться с друзьями.
Торговые центры также предлагают развлечения, такие как кино, боулинг или бары. Это делает короткие поездки за покупками еще более привлекательными. В то же время так называемый «шопоголизм» считается психическим расстройством. Так что у людей разные мнения насчет шоппинга.
Что касается меня, мне нравится шоппинг. Моя подруга Джулия и я ездим в большой торговый комплекс Мега почти каждую неделю. Каждый раз мы покупаем разные вещи: иногда для меня, иногда для нее, иногда для нас обеих.
Когда мне ничего не нужно, я просто гуляю с Джулией и помогаю ей выбирать. Она делает то же самое для меня. Мне никогда не бывает скучно, мы много болтаем. Больше всего мне нравится покупать новую одежду, аксессуары и косметику.
Ну, если честно, иногда я покупаю вещи, в которых не особо нуждаюсь – во время распродажи или если я в плохом настроении. После шоппинга я чувствую себя счастливее, он помогает снять стресс.
Я думаю, нет ничего плохого в шоппинге ради удовольствия. Отдавать деньги за то, что приносит радость – вполне нормально. Если знать, когда остановиться, шоппинг не может навредить. Он принесет лишь положительные эмоции.
Топик на английском языке «Покупки»
SHOPPING по-английски.
Shopping is an opportunity to buy everything what we need, from food to clothes. When we do the shopping we get to know a lot of information about different goods, their prices, quality.
We learn to choose products, to spend money rationally. Someone will say that shopping is an original way of spending free time. Someone will say that it's a forced waste of money.
Today, shopping is a means of our existence and living.
It’s a so called exchange of money for any kinds of goods (from pins to vehicles). Thus, if you want to live in this world shopping is a real necessity for you. Everyone does the shopping: from the poor to a millionaire.
By the way, shopping is a great entertainment too. If you want to relax, shopping is for you. Many girls enjoy shopping and spend the whole day visiting shops and buying things. For them the process of shopping is more important than purchasing.
While shopping we talk, with, other people, get experience, get to know many interesting things. But, of course, shopping depends not only on our mood but on our money, too.
If you have a lot of money -you can choose what you want if you don't have — you are to be very economical and buy only the things which are essential.
Nowadays there are different ways of shopping. Years ago people went to the shops and bought everything they needed. With the development of progress shopping began to change and now you can purchase things on the Internet.
To attract customers shops provide various services: free home delivery and installation of some gadgets, money-back guarantee, buy and win coupons, repair services. They sell their goods on credit and what not.
How inventive people may be in their thirst to get to somebody else's money!
While speaking about shopping I can't but mention a very specific phenomenon of our life -advertising. We have to listen to ads and watch commercials at least hundred times a day. It penetrates to our minds and makes us wear some kind of clothes and shoes, it insists on our chewing all the time, cleaning our teeth with Colgate after we drink Coffee Nescafe.
As there are many different goods, so there are many shops which sell this or that kind of products. Here's a short guide of different kinds of shops.
Department stores have many different departments: haberdashery, headwear, perfumery, stationеry, leather goods, sports goods, china and glass, fabrics, linen, readymade men's and ladies' departments. In the ladies' clothing department you can choose dresses, skirts, blouses, coats, underwear.
In the men's clothing department one can buy suits, sweaters, cardigans, pullovers, trousers and woolen jackets. We go to the dairy shop to buy milk, cream, cheese. Tinned fish, caviar, crabs, lobsters, and different sorts of fish — carp, cod, salmon, trout, mackerel — can be found at the fishmonger's.
Sugar, semolina, buckwheat, rice, coffee, spaghetti, noodles are sold at the grocer's. At the greengrocer's we can find all sorts of vegetables and fruit. Well, all this stuff you may buy at a market place and very often it is cheaper and of better quality.
There are also big supermarkets where you can buy everything. Such shops are very universal and well-stocked. Moreover, we can order goods by telephone and with the help of different catalogues and fashion magazines.
Going shopping in my city is a wonderful and instant way of participating in everyday life here. Most shops in my place open at 9 a. m. and close at 8 p.m., they are opened from Monday to Sunday. Most grocery shops are opened also on Sunday. Actually, there are many big and small shops in my district.
The largest department store is situated near my house and it houses everything from bags to household gadgets and bed-linen. On the ground floor of it there is a spectacular food hall decorated with tiles, which has splendid displays of fish, cheese , meat and other products; other departments include china and glass, electronics and kitchenware.
This department store is well-stocked and has a gorgeous selection of different goods.
In my city there are some markets with an amazing range of goods. If you want to visit the biggest market you need a strong pair of legs, comfy shoes and lots of time to wander around.
The market sells everything imaginable from tiny tin openers to massive TV sets, providing a diverse and extraordinary range of shopping services.
So, in the city there are many places where you can buy food, presents, clothes and other things.
If you want to do the shopping you should know some rules. First of all, you should pay for everything you buy. It is important to spend money rationally.
If you are queuing up at the cash-desk you need to wait for your turn. You should check your money before and after paying. It is important to think over your choice and to buy only good things.
These are the main rules of shopping. Knowing the rules helps to get real bargains.